Recommended Gear for Winter Workshops in the Canadian Rockies
You’ve all heard stories about the weather in the Canadian Rockies; you might have even heard them from me! We certainly get our share of legendarily cold weather. But we…
You’ve all heard stories about the weather in the Canadian Rockies; you might have even heard them from me! We certainly get our share of legendarily cold weather. But we…
Abraham Lake in the winter truly looks like stuff of science fiction. Trapped methane gas slowly makes its way to the surface of the ice but freezes, making the entire…
On the evening of December 31st, I set out on a personal project to spend 100 nights under the stars over the course of 2019. It has been a crazy…
As many of you know, I have been working on a passion project photographing and timelapsing the night sky. My goal is to spend 100 Nights Under the Stars over…
Trigger warning: If you love night photography but don’t currently own a Sony camera, the following information may cause you feelings of strong envy, jealousy, or even frustration with your…
I have never been more challenged behind the lens than when I photographed lava at night from a moving boat. As many of you probably know, I love night photography so…